Tuesday 21 May 2013

The World's Best Ecotourism Destinations

What  Is Ecotourism
Ecotourism, ecotravel, ecolodges and just generally being "eco" have become popular tourism sales pitches.  What is true ecotourism? What defines an ecolodge or an ecological company?  How is the surrounding community involved?  And finally, is ecotourism such a great thing anyways?In order to truly understand ecotourism and all of it's attendant pros and cons it is necessary to do some background research.  This page offers an introduction to the topic along with several links to more detailed information

Best Ecotourism Destinations
One afternoon in 1978 I found myself standing on the roof of a Land Rover in Kenya, watching the Samburu National Reserve—an arid stretch of the northern frontier roamed by rare wildlife and camera-wielding tourists—go up in flames. A good ecotourism This was the heyday of mass safari resorts, and while large operators raked in millions, the Samburu people, the ones the park was named after, weren't benefiting. Frustrated by this injustice, they'd rather imprudently torched the savanna. As gerenuks, impalas, and giraffes bounded to safer ground, I helped the park warden and his rangers, many of them in sandals, beat the fire back.

Sustainable Ecotourism
Sustainable tourism encompasses the responsible use of natural resources for recreation. This includes eco-friendly boating, whale and dolphin watching, snorkeling and scuba diving, fishing, and other forms of tourism.Ecotourism is defined as leisure travel that provides tourists with an educational and adventurous experience visiting complex and fascinating ecosystems and their associated cultures and traditions. The concept of ecotourism began in the late 1980's and increased in popularity in 2002 during the United Nations "International Year of Ecotourism." According to environmental and other organizations, ecotourism should have a minimal impact on both the environment and the culture. Malawi Exclusive Cultural Tour A good ecotourism operation will strive to support the community and encourage travelers to be culturally sensitive by training and employing local people and by purchasing local supplies and services to further stimulate the economy. Increasingly,

The Best Ecotourism Vacations, In U.S. National Parks and Around the World
The Daily Green looks at some of the best U.S. national parks, and the best ecotourism vacations anywhere in the world.Ecotourism and adventure travel are among the fastest growing segments of the global tourism trade, which is sometimes described as the world's biggest industry. While it is undeniable that travel uses resources and can harm the environment, it is also true that it can provide many benefits, such as supporting local economies, providing economic alternatives to exploititative practices, and spreading cross-cultural awareness. It is true that people are much more likely to protect the planet if they see it first hand.Some questions to ask tour providers: Do local people benefit directly from tourism dollars? Are transportation effects minimized? Are local materials used and local foods served? Is sensitive habitat protected? Are facilities energy and water efficient

If done right, eco-tourism can be a sustainable model for the environment creating a symbiotic relationship between the tourist and the location. By carefully constructing an eco-tourism program, a tourist location can provide for the current needs of the visitors and the local environment. It can also work to prevent any future harm from coming to the area thus allowing the local economy, environment, and society to be maintained. This model of eco-tourism can create a continually developing relationship between visitor and place that will work to benefit both throughout the years.

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